Start Sailing (learn-to-sail/ASA 101 & 102)

Over 50 Years of our family giving you more of what you go to sailing school for!SM

Group lessons resume in April!  Come alone, or come with your group.  See schedules for weekend dates in the following drop-down window.  nb: we add schedules based on demand – including weekdays. In June and July, we can do weeknights after work starting as late as 5pm!  If you can’t do the dates below, or want weekdays/evenings, contact us!

Schedule (Start Navigating/105)
Schedule (Start Sailing/101)
Schedule (Start Cruising/103):
Schedule (Start Bareboating/104)

Ready to sign up?  Here you go!  Need to read first? Scroll down. You’ll find the following purchase window down below as well.  If you want to ask for a price match per policies below, hit us up here.

Start Sailing (ASA 101)

Type in schedule (optional)

Private lessons:  Available anytime weather permits – even in the winter ‘off’ season!  Privates can be for just you or also the rest of the crew.  Contact us to discuss or set up.

Start Sailing,SM our learn-to-sail course (ASA 101 & new: 102), has been refined during a family history of over 50 years and two sailing schools into a fun, efficient machine that makes solid new sailors.  It’s done in smaller groups than other schools, and with much more time on the water.  You’ll get more than just an introduction to sailing – you’ll be able to skipper!  Yes: you’ll be ready to take the boat out without us, and we’ll prove it to you with post-course practice sails without an instructor on board!

Don’t have a clue?  Want a free preview?  We’ll do that for you!  Contact us to discuss taking you out for a quick sail so you can see what sailing, and learning how, are all about.  No sales pitch; just sailing.

Want the sneak preview NOW?  Here’s a post on what it’s like to learn to sail, especially with us, but applicable to many schools.

It’s not hard to learn to sail at our ASA sailing school and club. Enjoy a safe outdoor activity in a private or small group setting.  Take our fun, full Start Sailing SM   course (Basic Keelboat/ASA 101 and 102): get more time on the tiller, and learn how to sail right the first time!  You’ll be ready to join a sailing club… and we have one.  Skip the NY Harbor and Manhattan sailing school crowds, and become a real skipper!

Start SailingSM  is the most comprehensive – AND fun – learn to sail course at any price.  Go from mere Sketcher-bearer to Skipper in three full, honest days, each mostly on the water with an instructor and with a max of only 3 students per boat.*  Then, we prove it with post-course practice sails under our supervision.  That’s four days you go sailing with us – just another way we we give you more.

 * Private groups of 4 can sign up together, but for open enrollment in group courses, the maximum is 3 per boat.

It’s simple: sailing is a sport learned by doing –  not hearing about it, or reading about it.  We give you much more time on the water, and with smaller groups (3 versus 4), much more time on the tiller – the single most important part of your learning experience.  Want to learn to drive?  Only way is to actually do it!  (First lesson: the ’tiller’ is the steering stick.) 

We give you very brief shoreside sessions that introduce the sailing concepts before going out and doing them.  You can’t do this meaningfully in two days of sailing, as too many schools try to do – including some schools that claim their courses are 3 days long when they only give you 2.  You don’t need to spend hours in the classroom doing nothing but listening to an instructor, especially after work in the evening.  Most people don’t learn well that way.  They learn by doing and watching it be done.

What do some of our competitors think 3 days means?  One thinks it’s a long drawn-out classroom session or two at night, with no on-water, real-life context, followed by two  days on the water.  Another thinks it means two days of instruction, and then a day of practice sailing (without a proper way to supervise).  By their definitions, guess that means we give you FOUR days!

As well as giving you the time you need, we also give you…

  • better sailing waters: reliable sea breezes and room to roam, without commercial traffic, strong currents, and thunderstorms. 
  • better boats: highly suited to teaching, and inducted into the American Sailboat Hall of Fame.
  • better methods: more sailing time, and our exclusive Obstacle CourseSM training system
  • better instructors: fun, patient, and not teaching out of a book or to a test

Want to learn more about how we are better able to teach you how to sail?  See our methodology page, including a link to videos of our students in action on our exclusive Obstacle Course!SM

Classrooms are for college.  Your ‘classroom’ for sailing is your boat, and ours is the best we’ve ever used in our family’s history of sailing schools and teaching.  (We’ve introduced several to sailing instruction and tried others.)  You’ll learn on an Ensign, which was inducted into the American Sailboat Hall of Fame for good reasons: excellent performance, safe, stable, and roomy.  Designed by one of the pre-eminent naval architects, Carl Alberg, it’s a boat that’s not only survived the test of time, but still thriving with large fleets that day sail and race. 

By the end of the third day, you’ll be able to singlehand around our signature Obstacle CourseSM (which you’ll have spent plenty of fun effective time learning on already).  You’ll also be able to stop at a mooring under sail (no motor).  You’ll be able to heave-to, reef the mainsail, sail confidently through a tight mooring field of boats, and do an overboard rescue drill.

To prove that, both to you and to us, we send you out with another student  on a half-day practice sail (or two if you want) that you schedule later after you’ve finished the full 3-day course.  An instructor supervises, coaching by radio and chase boat, but you sail without her/him.  Then you’re truly certifiable, speaking of which…

Certification: ASA 101, Basic Keelboat 1 (learn to sail).  It’s included in your tuition, not an add-on extra.  101 is a prerequisite for all future courses except 105, which is strictly navigation.  ASA 102, or Keelboat 2, is new as of 2024.  We’re one of the earliest schools qualified to teach it and certify students for it.  We have been teaching the skills for it all along – since before ASA even existed.  So, you’ll get all those skills with our course.

Unlike 101, 102 is not a prerequisite to any other course or certification.  To get the 102 certification, you must participate in a post-course practice sail (optional for 101, and no charge for either), and take the separate 102 certification exam (small charge tbd).  As 102 is so new, and the textbook and exam aren’t even available for it yet, we’ll keep you posted on those details in our Blog Rant about the new 102!  But, for now, know that our learn-to-sail students have always been getting the skills for 102, and you will too.

We’ve been doing 102 since before 101 even existed – example 459 of how “we give you MORE of what you go to sailing school for!”SM

Prerequisites: you’ll need to pay us, of course, but that’s about it.  No prior experience required!  Many students have a little, and the rest of you have zero.  It’s all good.

Schedules: a variety of types to fit your busy schedule…

  • Weekend Plus: 3 weekend days – usually 1 weekend plus the following Saturday.
  • 3 Sundays: typically consecutive.
  • Weekday Getaway: 3 weekdays, typically 2x the first week with day 3 the following, but very flexible.  Scheduled on demand (see more below).

All schedules give you more time on the water.  We only do about 3 hours of shoreside classroom over the 3 days, so you can spend more time sailing the boat (around 16-18 hours), plus strategic mid-sail breaks so we have your brains and not your bladders.  Whenever we can get away with it, we shorten the classroom time and extend the sailing even more.  (Almost all other schools give you less than three days of real on-water instruction, and add a fourth student to each boat.)

Tuition: $795, with price matching (see details below).


  • the full 3-day course (duh)
  • supervised practice sails scheduled later
  • text book and log book
  • ASA 101 certification, valid for life.  (More here on 102)

(Okay, we don’t include lunch – but we’ll go eat and BS with you and maybe go over some charts.  And, we make coffee!)

Have plenty of experience, and really need a refresher?   Just need the ‘piece of paper’ (certification)?  Contact us to discuss whether the full course makes sense for you or if a private lesson or “challenge” will do.

Price matching policy:

We’ll meet any full, 3-day program’s final, out the door price for a learn to sail/101 course.  We’ll split the difference with anything less (2 days, 2 days plus a practice day or evening of classroom, etc).  See more on our scheduling/enrolling page.

Want to see those dates again for this or any other course?  Here’s our core schedule for weekend dates for the season (to which we add new schedules based on demand, so contact us if these don’t work for you).  Want weekdays?  Those are pretty much on demand, so again – contact us!

Schedule (Start Navigating/105)
Schedule (Start Sailing/101)
Schedule (Start Cruising/103):
Schedule (Start Bareboating/104)

Ready to do this?  Here you go!  (If you want to ask for a price match per policies below, hit us up here.)

Start Sailing (ASA 101)

Type in schedule (optional)

Questions first?  We love to chat.  Contact us.