Over 50 Years of our family giving you more of what you go to sailing school for!SM
Let’s get serious here.

Ready to rock n roll?
If you’re certified through 104 and 105, and have done some charter sailing or other fair test of your general seamanship and navigation, perhaps you’re ready to take it up another notch!
Start Advancing is our Advanced Coastal Cruising course (ASA 106), and it’s not easy. Nor should it be. We sail through the night, do MOB and navigation at night, and generally push you past what would be expected for a milk-run charter in the BVI or Med.
For ‘fun,’ we might throw in a little Radar and/or spinnaker.
Quick Stats…
- 3 day intensive locally in Northeast (departing City Island or Greenport, Eastern Long Island); or, coastal delivery passage; or, special trip abroad (typically Caribbean or Mediterranean).
- Aboard 33 to 50+ foot auxiliary cruising yachts.
- Emphasis on safety and emergency procedures, advanced navigation, collision avoidance, tricky anchoring situations, etc.
- Radar and spinnaker sometimes employed/deployed.
- Leads to ASA 106, Advanced Coastal Cruising certification. Prerequisites: 101 through 105 certification, and meaningful sailing experience putting most of that into practice. If you feel ready but don’t technically meet the prereq’s, contact us to discuss getting on board.
NEXT SCHEDULE: Contact us to see what’s in the works or create a custom schedule.
TUITION: $1,290 per person.
You must discuss with us prior to enrolling, so… contact us
Subscribe to our eNewsletter, “Tidings,” and/or Rants (blog) from this or any page or post on this site to be notified automatically of additional schedules, or just contact us to discuss.
Have a suitable cruising auxiliary you’d prefer to do it on? That’s also an option.